
Stigma and a non-reciprocal special privilege by Nathan Jones

The claim for individual toleration cannot extend to cancelling other people’s right to judge as they will what a given individual does. Much of the modern demand for individualism—including John Stuart Mill’s ‘On Liberty’—is a plea for exemption from social feedback from those negatively judging individual behaviour. Such an exemption is especially inconsistent when it emanates from those actively criticizing the rest of society. However democratic the language in which it is phrased, it is not a demand for equal rights, or a general freedom, but for a non-reciprocal special privilege.
— Thomas Sowell in Knowledge and Decisions (1980)

Under threat of sanction with “hate speech” laws, we are constantly admonished by the anointed to remove the “stigma” (formerly, and more appropriately, called shame) associated with behaviours that in the recent past would have been considered unnatural and abhorrent. Instead, we are told to “normalize” them. But this requirement for toleration runs only in one direction. In trenchant fashion typical of his genius, Sowell cuts through misdirection and bullshittery with clear insight and plain language.

Dedra Meero and the Banality of Evil by Nathan Jones

What’s great about her character is that she does not see herself as evil. She absolutely believes in the Imperial Project and works tirelessly to uphold its values and dominance. She isn’t a cackling sorcerer or a witch. She’s a bureaucrat, which is to say she is the “banality of evil” incarnate. It is the Dedras of this world who cut people off from their bank accounts and place question marks against people’s names and files. It is the Dedras who carefully sift through data sheets inspecting compliance and malleability in populations. This is how we live now and it’s getting exponentially worse year after year. Of course, this all depends on where you stand in relation to the wants and whims of Power: if you’re compliant then you’re okay; if you’re thinking critically and speaking out loud, too bad for you. Or, as we are told, there will be consequences for your speech.
— Morgoth's Review in Movie Critic YouTube And Systems Of Control (2023)