“You see, “human being” was here before you even showed up. “Human being” was here before you were even thought of. Maybe, just maybe, “human being,” because it was already here, already had a direction, already had a thrust, already had a scope of possibility. Maybe, just maybe, “human being” is using you. See, I know that you and I live as if we’re using “[human] being,” but I’m asking you to consider the possibility that you showed up in “human being” and it uses you—in its direction and its thrust. You don’t use it. It already was when you showed up. And it already had a thrust, a scope, a definition. It already was a certain set of options, and those options are using you. You see, you say, in everyday language, “I think.” I say you don’t think. And I want you to consider the possibility that you don’t think. I am inviting you to stand in the possibility that it isn’t you thinking. Certainly, there are thoughts. That’s obvious. ... I’m asking you to stand in the possibility that it thinks, and you have the thought. ... You live the superstition that you think. But you don’t think. It thinks. And one of the things it thought up is you.”